3 Easy Steps How-To Improving Your English Alone At Home


3 Steps How-To Improving Your English Alone At Home

We will talk about how you can improve your English on your own from home in just three steps. three things you need to do to work on it again improve your English so it's time for this to be a bad year for you or for me this has been one of the most challenging years for me personally I feel so much better than what I have in a long time and the crazy thing is that everything I went through in this difficult year right now with a crazy virus and confinement and segregation of people oh oh my lord I was just going through my stuff before that happened so that's where that is what happened I was like oh good so when it rains it's pouring let's go anyway I'm sure you spend as much time at home right now as most of us do and hopefully using this time to use your English and three things you need to do to work in your own English at home and by doing these things you will see great improvement now I want to say a couple of things. first, I've talked about two of these things before but I haven't talked about one yet so I'm excited to get into that another thing most people do not improve their English because
they only do one or two of these things that I am going to list. I just want you to analyze your situation
 and what you can improve on your habits to get the results you want to have.

1-Listening, Watching, And Reading English

what you need to do to improve your English with all of us know that this is a good installation you need to listen to English watch items Learning English with English is good for doing these things and you can do it in many different ways even if you guys have Netflix we have YouTube we have a podcast all you don't think is easier than ever to access the English language and how to hear native speakers speak so you can focus on one language as if you are really trying to learn American English where you can find YouTube users talking about your interests they are interested in not having to be English teachers for any subjects you really like it if you haven't done this yet you just have to make a list of your interests are right your interest your goals or anything that makes you happy anything you try to achieve in life and then you have to use the content that has to do with those things is fine so don't force yourself to know whatever you feel you have to do I know some people will learn the classics English novels because they feel that somehow that will help them and old novels if you don't care about old books for them it can be boring so stick to things that interest you. if u eat the equipment then it will not be strong it will not feel like an employee you should be happy when you open your favorite podcast or when you go to your favorite YouTube channel have fun and sit on the couch or chair and walk around while you listen to something. the other thing I want to say about this is that you don’t have certain types of specific content some podcast channels or whatever you like then you have to spend some time researching and digging and finding your favorite content is really worth it sometimes it can take a whole week to do it find your favorite channel or podcast but also you doing digging by taking the time to find your favorite content find your favorite movie genres or series by investing the time that will make it much easier there he sits down to actually insert the English using the English in
various formats because you will be able to oh I love this program that I will go directly to that's fine for those who already know what kind of movies you're doing do you like series and books etc. I want you to keep writing them on the thus notes people who are still trying to find content can see your suggestions and hopefully they will find something that will be there they are interesting so just write down what you like if it is a book-type or the title of the book or movie series etc etc. and why you like it and why you it's a good idea so that's what you put in again and I think we're all clear on that
input and why it is important.

2-Speaking, writing, and communicating

The following is the correct input-output and output so the output speaks and writes to communicate in the language if you have the input puts an English crowd in your brain but then we have to get out and most people get used to their unused extracts English for everything stays in their brain and then when it comes time to use it the language they feel oh my lord I can't speak the words don't appear again
this is why you should practice speaking until it becomes hard work and at first, it may feel like there is nothing I can do without you consistently making it easier for us to do this at the beginning of the year
to communicate in English write in English creates content in English and therefore you may eventually stop eating so much English and actually learn more creative ways of using language to communicate with other people they should have interviews etc with those of you who participated in the slip the challenge of success this past year I hope you continue with the methods and techniques you have learned for yourself see how it worked on the challenge with you you have had really good results so keep doing all that and you will continue to improve your results.

3- Do This Alone At Home

    The last thing you need to do is upgrade your file English and you can do this alone at home you don't need a teacher for this if you need to study now I don't talk much about reading which is why I wanted to talk about it on this blog but sometimes it is not enough just use English and speak English and write English as you enter take it out or take it out sometimes that's not enough for you you may have made the same mistakes over and over and over again to fix it or you may feel plain you may feel like you know what I'm listening to in English, I always speak English all the time using language but I don't feel like I'm progressing which is why it's so it is important to study but what I am talking about when I say read I do not mean just I say oh my god I need to improve my grammar let me buy a grammar workbook and i will make a workbook and you know then I will get better no that not what I am talking about you are analyzing your own the weakness you should know what your weakness is and you should not need it the teacher tells you that they are right because when you get to a certain level English or any other language where you can understand a traditional speaker like you here you read my blogs you understand me so that means you're something level and if you are at this level and have the ability to identify your file your weaknesses and your struggles so for example let’s talk about it of pronunciation when speaking if you constantly encounter a sound namely It is very difficult for you to make that sound you have to work on until you get to it it becomes difficult when you speak when there is a particular grammar construction is hard to do even if you don’t really understand what it is something you should study and I highly recommend that you have a magazine where you can write what you are reading now depending on how you like to read you can have a magazine when you handwrite you can have a file word document on your computer where you just type everything or you can actually use some form of social media account like Instagram to include all that you and keep track and what I am It is recommended that you keep track of new words that you are reading and keep them neat sentences you like when you read something in a book and then go there I really like that sentence and I like the way it is written and written down then look back and read it again so you can remember it and get started insert similar sentences into your English when you hear a phrase in a movie or a quote or a quote or something similar to your favorite then write that down again if you do this on Instagram or something if you take something from a movie you can take a picture of movie and that can be the image you upload and the description you can write what you have learned in that way you create a visual diary you will see for yourself what you have learned and where it came from you will be able to read your description to remember what that was he learned and why he liked it right. I just want to end this blog by saying that I actually do all three things in my English even though I am a native speaker I listen to English every day around me English I speak English ok but I also learn English I have never stopped the study and the type of study I do have nothing to do with grammar
sometimes it's like when I say something and then you go know what you know I don't know that's right I go and look at it to see if it's right or not but kind of learning I do really learn to communicate by example I can say something and then depending on how the person reacts I would realize that oh I
I wish I could better explain why this person responded to that method let's say they have a negative reaction and I analyze the method that I use language to get the results I want to find and have the influence I want to have and have a relationship with that I want to be so I continue to learn English and work on it I am improving my communication skills and I want you to know what it is a lifelong process and I will immediately compare this with Spanish because you know Being a Spanish speaker is not the native language that I have learned The beginning of the Spanish era when I was 14 was moving on to my old age Spanish compared to my English let's say my English is like the way up here my Spanish is actually a little low and I’m a good Spanish speaker though Spanish has never been as important to me in the way English was, especially when I was he became the coach of England because what happened was I was living in Argentina and I used a lot of Spanish to speak Spanish every day while learning Spanish I read Spanish etc. that my English started to decline I kid you not I was I struggled with communication in English and when that first happened I was the same there is no way I like the Spanish language but I do not want to lose myself English and the correct way especially because I work in English students and I have to make sure my English is sharpened so I can help you guys so you can imitate me so when I see that that is starting to happen to me prioritize Spanish with limited English now in Spanish, it is like the tool I have in my toolbox, and when I need it and I take it out but I never need it for anything sensitive I don't use Spanish to work well for the first time now I live in California. I just to use it when I’m with my husband’s family or when I meet a Spanish speaker again they do not speak English so I know the Spanish I know very well Spanish is good enough for me to accomplish the things I want to do I have succeeded in language so I have achieved my goals and I do not have to do it continuously eating Spanish by inserting output and lesson because I have I have reached the level I want to reach and sometimes I think oh my beauty is that I have to work on my Spanish I have to make it even better however, I saw what was better than many hours a day and I don't have time for everything so you have to find out what's yours priorities and follow behind you and some of you view this right now you know that English is not your priority and you probably feel guilty as you don’t teach it enough or you work hard enough but it’s probably just because don’t need it in your life right now and maybe if you need it you will start using it a lot now that doesn't mean you shouldn't have it preparation because if English is going to be important in
your future there then you should be encouraged right now to improve it because it will be needed next time so I feel like I'm jumping all over the place in this video I hope all makes sense and you guys I hope you are all healthy I hope all this situation ends in some way soon to find out I'm back to normal but I also know that that may not happen for a while anyway let's use it to the best of our ability and I'm just right
glad to be back for the videos and oh and I said I got in.

My new office yes this is my new office is not fully decorated yet I can't until we decorate it we will see you because you know the priorities right now that I am prioritizing making content helps you guys do things not waste it I per week I decorate my office so anyway I have an office I needed to jump in the house and get to the place and work at least for now and we'll see where life takes us so it's all right then you and I will see soon in another video goodbye and three things you need to do improve your English so I want you as I do as I am hmm and I was I'll say something else and I hope people don't
they know very well that they just love the wall and make a strange noise okay in the hope of people, I don’t even know that I will plan to arrange that ok let me get it right so for those of you who already know I type of content you like I want you to continue and share it in the comments Thank you.

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