5 Daily Habits That Make You Look Like A Loser | Personal Development


5 Daily Habits That Make You Look Like A Loser | Personal Development


you know what no matter where we stand in our lives no matter who we have become as a person it all comes down to one thing our habits the things that we do the thoughts that we have the actions that we take that actually work for us or it works against us so these habits will either make you into a winner turn you into a winner or it will make

you a loser haven't you ever heard people saying don't be a loser and who say that you know there is the problem in this there's a problem in that be a winner and say there are my solution words like these and our habits will determine which path we have chosen for ourselves and for our progress it all comes down to this guys if you are following any of these habits or have such traits and negative points in you, you need to change them right away these habits will make you look like a sore loser and I am here to make sure that you are well aware of these habits, of course, this is because I don't want you to lose any opportunity that might work for me let's get started.


1-Learn To Live In The Present


some particular types of people lose because they are always distracted by someone or something or the other they never live in the present you know it might be a task it could be a conversation with someone they're just focused they just cannot the focus at the moment so they might be checking their phones while you're talking or when someone is talking to you, you might be fidgeting with something but it's a huge quality of a sore loser I actually remember this one time when I was trying to help out a friend of mine with her own work and after I started working on it I went to her place to be with her and work with her she actually started talking to someone on the phone on a call for a completely different task I asked her to sit with me sit beside me once but she completely ignored it and I remember I got up from there and I went home thinking if she doesn't want to be helped then I cannot help her even if I do her work for her when I spoke to her she actually thought she was multitasking and later she tried doing and she cried about what he couldn't get what she wanted to do she couldn't get that job she couldn't focus and one thing led to another and she lost the job so focus on one thing instead of being bad at multitasking.

2-Stop nitpicking

     One of the favorite things that a loser does is they never see any good in anything that they get. you give them plenty of opportunities plenty of chances you give them all the money that they want you know the food that they have asked for whatever but they will be such sore losers about everything nothing is good enough for them they complain like he suggested me to do it they were not fair with me you know i would have won if you wouldn't have given me any advice i can't do the work because my legs are hurting well guys you know what i would like to tell you excuses complaints and blames are like weapons of a loser and they fight with it the next time you hear anyone using this kind of a weapon just makes sure that he or she understands that's an excuse that's a complaint and they're blaming and excuses are not going to help them or make them ahead and make them into a winner that's not going to happen for them well there's also a very interesting fact about these guys they always say things like you know what I'm going to start dieting from tomorrow you know what i'm going to start a business very soon i'm going to start organizing my desk from tomorrow i'm sure i'm very sure you must have come across such people and you must have seen them talk like this quite often these are the ones who have a lot of plans a lot of goals and aspirations they will talk about it to everyone and get compliments from others but when you meet them the next time they will have an excuse for it and they will have yet another plan they will just talk about that as well but you know what winners would do they do the act instead of just the talk so actions matter what you actually do that matters guys try to apply this simple mantra for everything if you want to get fit to hang out with fit people if you want to be successful try to hang out with successful people or hard-working people if you want to get lazy whom do you hang out with you hang out with lazy people…



3-Do it later! Attitude

         I can't tell you enough that procrastination is an enemy why am I saying this I'm saying this because I used to procrastinate a lot of procrastination is nothing but postponing things to do,  what's the point of procrastinating and postponing things if the results are going to be just the same? yeah good question right if you get to work on any particular topic or anything and you ask your professor to extend your deadline right so postponing your deadline just ask yourself first if I extend my deadline am I going to provide my professor with some more and much amazing work or is it going to be the same work if it's the same work then why wait another week you can only delay if you have something better to offer something better to provide this is another mantra that you can keep at hand whenever you start procrastinating, just whenever just do it now or if you want to do it for later or keep it for later then do it better.





4- Struggle To learn


the easiest thing to do is in life just sit back and relax watch tv call up people chat with them and just do nothing right losers will find a way out of learning things to become better because learning takes effort and will losers put effort into anything no why because they are just fine the way they are but think about it even in an era like ours where we all have so much to learn and so much to do we have so much information at hand which is so easily available we don't like to take basic steps such as struggle and learn no doubt that they feel like losers because of their own habits of not wanting to learn and just sitting back there and relaxing now since they can't learn the best thing to do is, is quit the moment you give up you have lost everything and you're back to square one you just need to get up and try once more once again you must never give up on things of course unless it's any of these habits, we're talking about.


5- Identify Your Passion


nobody is born a loser nobody over a period of time you convert yourself into one well one such thing is that losers forget is being passionate about something about anything in the life you know what winners have a passion they have passion for something and that they make themselves work hard towards it and that itself will take them forward even if it's a small tiny step but when you don't have anything to put your focus in you keep doing what you hate or what you dislike and give up on goals that you once had because you were bored of it so to be a winner you must love what you do or at least do what you love guys but it takes a tremendous amount of efforts will power self-discipline to change these habits and become a winner i want you to post any of your habits or any of the habits that we have just looked into that is causing any problem in your life and stopping you from growing i don't want anyone reading this blog to be called a loser ever from now on so now is the time guys you must wake up to reality and get going.


 well, that's all for the day I'm sure you must have learned something from it make sure that you put something in the comments section I will be happy to read what you're thinking and what habits you have changed for yourself to become better. that's all for the day keep smiling keep practicing keep becoming better.






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